The last few decades have been the time of editing correspondence, primarily of writers. Initially the classics, but recently also more and more contemporary authors. We observe the appearance of large circles of correspondence, such as the circle of Jerzy Giedroyc, or the smaller one ‒ of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz.
However, we observe there is no reflection nor consolidation of dispersed reflections ‒ not even regarding the content of the letters, but also the sole form and their social role. There is also a lack of reflection over the new medium, which is email. Nevertheless, before the modern theory concerning the old and contemporary letters is created, it is worth gathering some approximations, i.e. the comments of the correspondence editors themselves, the authors who still practice traditional correspondence, and publishing expressive examples of various poetics.
Leading editors: Prof. Piotr Mitzner, Marta Buława
Deadline for article submissions: March 31, 2022