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No 1 (52) 2018

Apis mellifera (Rilke, Leśmian, Valéry, Miłosz)

Apis mellifera (Rilke, Leśmian, Valéry, Miłosz)

Tomasz Wójcik (University of Warsaw)

The full version of this article is available  in Polish  in the printed version of Tekstualia and in the on-line subscription.

The article concerns Paul Valéry’s sonet The Bee, a fragment of Rainer Maria Rilke’s letter to Witold Hulewicz, Boleslaw Lesmian’s poem The Bees and a fragment of Czeslaw Milosz’s poem Orpheus and Eurydice. The analysis of the semantic connotations and symbolic meanings of the bee, which appears in these texts, shows them as elements of a larger ontological project: an attempt to answer the question of the relation between being and non-being. In essence, this project denies the division into being and non- -being, proposing the concept of a greater whole instead the entrenched opposition.

The sample of Polish version of this article is available here: 

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