No 1 (36) 2014
→ Our Issues / No 1 (36) 2014
Articles Abstracts
- Emily Apter, Madame Bovary and Marks, translated by Miłosz Wojtyna
- Krzysztof Filip Rudolf, An Absent Stylization of English Literature in Polish Translation
- Marta Crickmar, Failure in Translation: On the Negative Discourse in Translation Studies
- Tomasz Swoboda, Translating – Tricking the Crowd. A Gloss to Michel Leiris
- Miłosz Wojtyna, On Translating Simple Literature
- Piotr Mitzner, Russian Emigrant School of Translation
- Wolfgang Görtschacher, David Malcolm, On Translating Ilse Aichinger’s Poetry into English, translated by Marta Aleksandrowicz
- Leszek Szaruga, The Mystery and the Original: Notes on the Art of Translation
- Jerzy Jarniewicz, Translation and the emigrant experience. A case study
Varia Abstracts
- Christine Brooke-Rose, „Whatever Happened to Narratology?” (from the book Stories, Theories, Things), translated by Miłosz Wojtyna
- Bartosz Lutostański, Unnatural narratology