No 2 (41) 2015
→ Our Issues / No 2 (41) 2015
Articles Abstracts
- Edward Kasperski, Paradox or Schizophrenia: The Problem of the Author in Literature
- Zoltán Németh,The experience of mystifi cation and subordination in Middle Eastern European works written under pseudonym, translated by Daniel Warmuz
- Paweł Sobczak, Plagiarism, Mystifi cation, Parody, Pseudonym. The Ways of „Concealing the Author” in the Interwar Period– An Overview
- Barbara Kulesza-Gulczyńska, How Is „author” Different from „aŁtor”: The Fannish Games with Authorship
- Wojciech Kaftański, From Pseudonymity to the Death of the Author: Some Remarks on Kierkegaard’s Authorial Strategies
- Michał Bandura, I, the Suspect Narrator: The Games with Authorship and Autobiography in Marian Pankowski’s Prose
- Marcin Czardybon, „What Disappears Is Man in the Proper Sense of the Word”: An Intricate Game with the Figure of the Author in Houellebecq’s novel The Map and the Territory