Review policy
In accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (published June 2, 2015), the editors of Tekstualia have the following review policy:
- Every publication will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers, not from the institution with which the author is affiliated.
- The review process will be a double-blind one. If this is not the case, the reviewer will sign a declaration that there is no conflict of interests, whereby a conflict of interests is understood the existence of direct personal relations between author and reviewer (especially kinship to the second degree or marriage), of professional connections, and of direct scholarly cooperation in the two years preceding the year in which the review is written.
- The written review must contain a clear judgment of the reviewer relating to the advisability of publishing or rejecting the submitted article.
- The criteria for publication or rejection of a submission, and any review form, will be made publically available on the journal’s web site and in each number of the journal.
- The names of reviewers of individual publications or numbers of the journal will not be made public.
- The journal will publish any information given by authors relating to sources of finance for research presented in articles or circumstances germane to the writing of articles.
- The Editors of Tekstualia employ ghostwriting procedures to ensure the originality of submitted articles
Reviewers of individual numbers employ the following criteria in their evaluations of submitted articles:
- the appropriateness of the article to the topic of the number;
- the innovatory quality of the research presented in the article;
- the originality of results;
- familiarity with the relevant state of research;
- methodological awareness;
- logical argumentation;
- clear composition of the article;
- an appropriately scholarly style.