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Nagrania wierszy Piotra Mitznera z tomu Siostra i ich angielskiej wersji w tłumaczeniu Mariana Polaka-Chlabicza



Nagrania wierszy Piotra Mitznera z tomu Siostra i ich angielskiej wersji w tłumaczeniu Mariana Polaka-Chlabicza


Zapraszamy do wysłuchania trzech wierszy Piotra Mitznera pt. SiostraZapas, Dom zaginionych z tomu Siostra wydanego w 2019 roku przez wydawnictwo tCHu czytanych po polsku przez autora. Piotr Mitzner, to jeden z najciekawszych polskich poetów ostatnich lat. Jego twórczość nie tylko czerpie z osiągnięć poezji lingwistycznej, lecz także rozwija ją w sposób oryginalny.



Zachęcamy również do wysłuchania tych utworów (SisterProvisionsThe house of the missing) czytanych przez Lauren Colgan w tłumaczeniu Mariana Polaka-Chlabicza na język angielski, które ukazały się w 2020 roku nakładem wydawnictwa tCHu w tomie Sister i których wydaniu patronuje kwartalnik „Tekstualia”.



The House of the Missing


O tłumaczeniu książki Sister opowiada Marian Polak-Chlabicz. Tłumacz czyta dla Państwa wiersz Piotra Mitznera Cafeé by the River Bank



Biogram autora wraz z wykazem publikacji w Tekstualiach – link

Biogram tłumacza wraz z wykazem publikacji w Tekstualiach – link


Recordings of Piotr Mitzner’s poems from the volume Sister and their English version translated by Marian Polak-Chlabicz


We invite you to listen to the recording of three Piotr Mitzner’s poems entitled Siostra, Zapas and Dom zaginionych from the volume Siostra published by tCHu Publishing House in 2019 read in Polish by the author. Piotr Mitzner, is one of the most fascinating Polish poets of recent years.  In his oeuvre, not only does he  draw on the achievements of linguistic poetry, but also he develops it in an original way. 



We also recommend listening to these poems (Sister, Provisions, The house of the missing) read by Lauren Colgan and translated by Marian Polak-Chlabicz, which appeared in the volume Sister under the imprint of the TCHU Publishing House in 2020, and which was published under the auspices of the the academic and literary  quaterly Tekstualia.



The House of The Missing


Marian Polak-Chlabicz is talking about the translation of this book. He is reading the Piotr Mitzner’s poem Cafeé by the River Bank



Biographical note of the author

Piotr Mitzner (born in 1955 in Warsaw) is a poet, biographer and editor. He graduated from the Faculty of Knowledge about Theatre at the State Theatre College in Warsaw. He worked in theatres, independent publishing houses (Krąg, Spółka Poetów) and in the Iwaszkiewicz Museum. He ran the Koło Podkowy Cultural Centre. Since 1999, he has been an academic teacher at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. In the years 2000-2018, he was the assistant editor-in-chief of the Russian-language monthly Nowaja Polsza.

He made his debut as a poet in 1972 in the periodical Kurier Polski. In 1980, he published his first underground volume of verse Dusza z ciała wyleciała (The Soul Flew out of the Body). Since 2000 he has published the following volumes: Myszoser, Pustosz (The Void), Podmiot domyślny (Implied Subject), Dom pod świadomością (The House Under Consciousness), Niewidy (‘Neverseens’), Kropka (A Dot), W oku Kuku (In Kuku’s Eye), i po kropce (And After the Dot), Wybiór, polak Mały (A Little Polish Boy), Klerk w studni (Clerk in the Well), Ulica tablic (The Street of Boards), and Siostra (Sister).

His books were translated into Russian, English, German, French, Czech, Albanian, Lithuanian, Spanish, Bulgarian, Belarusian and Hebrew.

He is the editor of the series Biblioteka zapomnianych poetów (The Library of Forgotten Poets), published by the Ośrodek Brama Grodzka in Lublin.

Piotr Mitzner is the winner of the Edward Csató Award, Literary Award of the Culture Foundation, J. Czapski Zeszyty Literackie Prize; a nominee for poetry awards, including Silesius, Nike, Orpheus, Warsaw Literary Award and Cogito.

He lives in Warsaw’s Praga.


Other poems by Piotr Mitzner published in Tekstualia can be read here



Biographical note of the translator

Marian Polak-Chlabicz is a writer, translator, lexicographer, editor and poet; he is also a regular contributor to the Polish and American media: The New Yorker, The Village Voice, Tygodnik Nowojorski, Kurier Plus, Nowy Dziennik Daily News,, Tekstualia, and many others.

His major works include the three selections of poems by Bolesław Leśmian – translated into English – 33 of the Most Beautiful Love Poems (2011), Marvellations: The Best-Loved Poems (2014), Beyond the Beyond (2017); the Polish rendition of Pablo Neruda’s volume of verse Dwadzieścia wierszy miłosnych i jedna pieśń rozpaczy (Twenty Love Poems and One Song of Despair, 2012); The Middle Finger Dictionary (2017); the Polish translation of Edgar Allan Poe’s Eureka (2018); the English rendition of the book of poetry Siostra (Sister) by Piotr Mitzner (2020).

For 25 years, he has lived in New York, the city that inspires him and is a constant source of enchantments.


Other translations of Marian Polak-Chlabicz can be read here:



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