Ubertowska Aleksandra
Professor of Modern Polish Studies at the University of Gdańsk. Ms Ubertowska deals with Holocaust literature and art, memory studies, and ecocriticism. She is the author of numerous books and articles, most recently Nature as a Counter-Historical Narrative in Holocaust Poetry (Miłosz, Celan and Pagis), trans. by Paweł Wojtas, in: Ecopoetics and the Global Landscape. Critical Essays, ed. Isabel Sobral Campos, Serie: Ecocritical Thought and Practice. Lexington Books, Rowman&Littlefi eld Publishing Group, London 2018, Holocaust. Auto(tanato)grafi e (Warszawa 2014); “Historie biotyczne. Pomiędzy estetyką a geotraumą” (Warszawa 2020). Nature at its Limits (Ecocide). Subjectivity after the Catastrophe, ”Teksty Drugie” /English Edition 2016, http://tekstydrugie.pl/en/content/item/id,39,title,Special-Issues-in-English.html; Nature as an Archive of (Post)memory?Ecocriticism and Polish Holocaust Art, [in:]Entangled Memories. Remembering Holocaust in the Age of Globalism, Winter-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2017. Email: aleksandra.ubertowska@ug.edu.pl