Kubiński Wojciech
(1953), Professor Emeritus at the University of Gdansk, researcher and translator. Co-author (with Olga Kubińska), “Good and bad utopianism in contemporary Holocaust fi lm” (2021). He published several books, inter alia, Refl exivization in English and Polish. An Arc Pair Grammar Analysis (1987), In Search of a Frame of Mind. An Introduction to Artifi cial Intelligence and Cognitive Linguistics. Coauthors: Roman Kalisz and Andrzej Buller (1996), Word order in English and Polish. On the statement of linearization patterns in Cognitive Grammar (1999), Obrazowanie a komunikacja. Gramatyka kognitywna wobec analizy dyskursu (2014). Co-editor (with Olga Kubińska) of the series Przekładając nieprzekładalne (Translating the Untranslatable). Recipient of Fulbright Foundation Scholarship (The University of California in San Diego, Ca, USA, 1989–1990), The British Council (University of Sussex, UK 1979–1980), and the Polish government grant (The University of California in San Diego 2008). Co-translator (with Olga Kubińska), George Steiner, Po wieży Babel (2000, 2018), George Steiner dla New Yorkera (2018). Co-translated Ronald Langacker, Gramatyka kognitywna. Wprowadzenie (2011). Email: wojciech.kubinski@ug.edu.pl.