Kasperski Edward
(University of Warsaw), (1942-2016), Prof. PhD hab., former professor at the Institute of Polish Literature at the University of Warsaw. He specialized in comparative studies, literature studies, and theory, poetry, history and anthropology of literature of the 19th and the 20th centuries. He was a language teacher at the Aarhus University in Denmark (1981–1984). His widely appreciated academic works include Idee, formy i tradycje dialogu (1990), Dyskursy romantyków: Norwid i inni (2003), Kierkegaard. Antropologia i dyskurs o człowieku (2003), Świat człowieczy. Wstęp do antropologii literatury (2006), Kategorie komparatystyki (2010), Metody i metodologia. Metodologia ogólna, nauki humanistyczne, wiedza o literaturze (2017), Tropami Norwida Studia – interpretacje – paralele (2018). He edited several collective works. He is also an author of over 300 scientific papers published in collective works and journals.