Heczková Libuše
(Charles University in Prague), (born 1967), PhD hab., employee of the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature at the Department of Philosophy at the Charles University in Prague. She has studied at the Charles University and the University of Tartu. She has given lectures at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, the University of Udine, and the University of Texas at Austin. Her academic areas of interest focus on the position of women in Czech society, literature, and visual culture. She has published a monograph on female Czech literary critics, Píšící Minervy (2010). Together with Dana Musilova and Maria Bahenska she wrote monographs on Czech feminist thought, Iluse spásy (2012), and the work of women, Nezbytná, osvobozujíc, pomlouvaná. O ženské práci (2017). She is a member of a team writing the story of Czech literary modernism in three volumes. She is the editor of a scientific magazine Slovo a smysl. E-mail: libuse.heczkova@ff.cuni.cz