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Grigorova Margreta

 D. Sc., teaches Slavic literatures at the Department of Slavic Studies of St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. In her latest academic work she is concerned with the manifestations of heresy in twentieth-century Polish literature. She likewise explores Bulgarian reception of Polish literature, the interaction of art and literature, the current trends of migration and nomadism in the works of Joseph Conrad, Gustaв Herling-Grudziński, Ryszard Kapuściński, Kazimierz Nowak and Olga Tokarczuk. Her most signifi cant published monographs are: Хоризонти и пътища на полската идентичност (Horizons and Trails in Polish Identity, 2002); Литературни посвещения. Ритуални зони на словото в полската литература (Literary initiations. Ritual Zones of the Word in Polish Literature, 2003); Джоузеф Конрад Коженьовски. Творецът като мореплавател (Joseph Conrad: the Creator as SeaFarer, 2011); Очите на словото. Полонистични студии (Eyes of the Word. Studies in Polish Literature and Culture, 2015). She is a member of the Polish Society for Conrad Studies (Jagiellonian University) and the International Society for Polish Studies Abroad. She is the Bulgarian translator of Marek Bieńczyk’s Książka twarzy and Czeslaw Milosz’s Rodzinna Europa (in collaboration with Mira Kostova). She has published over 100 articles and reviews, including 30 in Polish editions. Her other translations include poems by Wisława Szymborska, Roman Honet, Zbigniew Herbert, Jerzy Liebert, reports from Kazimierz Nowak, short stories by Gustaw Herling-Grudziński and selected literary criticism. She has been distinguished with the following awards: “Zasłużony dla Kultury Polskiej” (2014) and the Polonicum award from the University of Warsaw (2018). E-mail:

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