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Gołębiewska Maria

philologist and philosopher, Associate Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Research Group on Philosophy of Culture; the fi elds of research – contemporary philosophy (phenomenology, philosophy of existence, structuralism and post-structuralism), the modern sources of contemporary philosophy, the epistemological, linguistic, and axiological questions; nowadays, her studies concern the topics of receptivity and performativity, considered in the phenomenological context. Selected publications – books: Między wątpieniem a pewnością. O związkach języka i racjonalności w fi lozofi i poststrukturalizmu [“Between Doubt and Certainty. On the Links of Language and Rationality in the Post-Structural Philosophy”], 2003; Demontaż atrakcji. O estetyce audiowizualności [“Demontage of Attraction. On the Aesthetics of Audiovisuality”], 2003; Rzeczywistość i przedstawienie. O tezach fi lozofi cznych Karola Irzykowskiego [“Reality and Representation. On the Philosophical Theses of Karol Irzykowski”], 2006; Wiedza egzystencjalna. O trzech koncepcjach poznania w fi lozofi i egzystencji [“Existential Knowledge. On Three Conceptions of Cognition in the Philosophy of Existence”: Søren Kierkegaard, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty], 2008; (edit.) Cultural Normativity. Between Philosophical Apriority and Social Practices, 2017. E-mail: mgolebiewska@ifi

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