Andrea Carla de Miranda Pita
Performing Arts teacher at Federal Institute de Goias – Câmpus Jataí (IFG) and Doctoral student at Postgraduate Cultural Performances Interdisciplinary Program/ Federal University de Goiás (UFG) – Brazil. She has a Master´s Degree in Visual Culture(FAV/ UFG) and a Bachelor´s Degree in Performing Arts(IA/ UNICAMP) – Brazil. She was Assistant Professor at Performing Academic Course on EMAC/UFG – Brazil (2011–2013). Nowadays she is part of the Research Group Maskara (CNPQ), created with University of Gdansk. Her Doctoral research is about Witkacy’s Pure Form theory and its intersection with Performative theatre. Doctoral advisors: Prof. Dr. Robson Corrêa de Camargo (UFG) and Dr. hab. Tomasz Wiśniewski (University of Gdansk). E-mail: