Toeplitz Karol
(Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw), (born 1936), Prof. PhD hab., philosopher, ethicist. He has taught at the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw and at the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Pomeranian University in Słupsk. He is an outstanding expert and translator of Sørena Kierkegaard’s works, as well as an author of many articles and books, including Kierkegaard (1975) and He/u/rezje, czyli preantyczna teraźniejszość: Leszkowi Kołakowskiemu w 80-tą rocznicę urodzin (2007). He is also a coauthor of the monograph Aktualność Sørena Kierkegaarda w filozofii, teologii, literaturze – w 200. rocznicę urodzin (2013).