Vojvodik Josef
(Charles University in Prague), (born 1964), Prof., PhD, literature and art historian and theorist. His areas of interest focus primarily on the issues of intermedial and contextual relations in contemporary and avant-garde art in philosophical and cultural connections. Since 2003 he has worked at the Charles University in Prague. His publications include: Od estetismu k eschatonu. Modely světa a existence v lyrickém díle Otokara Březiny (2004), Povrch, skrytost, ambivalence. Manýrismus, baroko a (česká) avantgarda (2008), Patos v českém umění, poezii a umělecko-estetickém myšlení čtyřicátých let 20. století (2014). He is also the chair of the commission on graduate studies of Comparative Literature (Comparative Studies) at the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature of the Faculty, Department of Philosophy at the Charles University in Prague (http://uclk.ff.cuni.cz/ustav/lide/akademicti-pracovnici/josef-vojvodik/). E-mail: josef.vojvodik@ff.cuni.cz